Going up – sideways

Going up – sideways

I’ve often been asked about the plans for a space launch site in west Wales, using a “horizontal launch”, a term that most of us find hard to comprehend. After all, don’t rockets go “straight up”? Horizontal space launch refers to the concept of launching a spacecraft horizontally from an aircraft or a runway, as…

Putin needs a Plan B

Putin needs a Plan B

It’s been a while since I have written about the war in Ukraine because so little has changed strategically since the first few months of this conflict when three overarching facts pretty much drove everything – and still do. The first fact is that the war in Ukraine emerged entirely from Vladimir Putin’s head, and…

Ukraine – one Year on

Ukraine – one Year on

On Friday (24Feb), the world marked the first anniversary of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, which has been a devastating genocidal war aimed at destroying Ukrainian nationhood and culture. Over the past year, tens of thousands of Ukrainians, including countless innocent civilians, have died, while millions more have been displaced as refugees. Entire towns and cities…

Off Track Train Pricing

Off Track Train Pricing

Rail travel has been a staple of transportation for centuries, providing an efficient and eco-friendly way to travel long distances. However, in recent years, rail travel pricing has become increasingly complex and often futile, making it difficult for consumers to make informed decisions and frustrating many would-be travellers. One of the main issues with rail…

TikTok, Over and Out

TikTok, Over and Out

TikTok, is a popular social media app, and has been making headlines for all the wrong reasons recently. The app has been the subject of multiple investigations and controversies related to privacy and security concerns. As a result, many experts call for users to delete the app from their mobile phones to protect their personal…