Why Dieting isn’t all about Weight

bpI decided recently to diet. I’ve always been a bit of a chunky-monkey but it was after a medical consultation that suggest my cholesterol and blood pressures numbers weren’t quite where they should be that I decided to take action.

5 Weeks later I’m chuffed to find that the following important metrics can now be reported:

  • Blood Pressure – was 149/80, now 130/80
  • Cholesterol -was 5.9, now 3.6
  • BMI – was Obese, now (just) Overweight
  • Suits that were in the attic that now fit – 3
  • Trousers off to the menders for altering – 5
  • Shirts brought back into use from the attic – 8
  • Weight – I’m not going to tell you!

The reason for not answering the last point is that it is not relevant to me now as these metrics give me the motivation and satisfaction that this diet is doing me the world of good. It’s not just about how much you weigh.

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