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Broadband priorities, where we are going wrong

I live in Cardiff, so logically should welcome the recent announcements about making the city a leading performer in the broadband stakes. But in truth I don’t and the reason is simple: the Cable internet service I already have is really slick and I can’t but help feel that the public money being injected into the broadband networks is being spent for the wrong reasons and with the wrong motives.

Here’s the results of s speedtest this morning in Cardiff:

Over 34 Mbps down load speed:

That’s the headline that all users want and there can be little doubt that this is a great performer.







And here’s the result of a speedtest carried out yesterday in Ceredigion:

This is a pathetic performance at less than 1MBps download on what was sold as “upto 8 Mb”.








So if you wanted to make a difference to the economy, where would you spend the money to make improvements to the country’s broadband infrastructure?

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