NOCCI, not Gnocchi

I like my food, so when I heard there was a meeting of NOCCI I was keen to go, thinking intially that it was an evening of Italian food.  How wrong could I be. 

NOCCI in Aberystwtyth last night, was a meeting of about 25 people involved in the creative and cultural industries in mid Wales. Organised by Rhodri (@nwdls) this really casual yet effective first meeting was a joy to attend. Friendly, open and relaxed it was, yet with a clear purpose of helping those in the creative and cultural industries to form alliances and provide support to each other to everyone’s benefit.

It totally supported my long held views that “shotgun networking” is pretty much a waste of time, but meeting groups with clear common ground will reap huge rewards. And it also reminded me, someone who is normally based in Cardiff, that you don’t need a big city to find big talent.

So if you want to learn how to be a DJ then you’d be mad not to visit DJ Tutor, a fantastic example of how the web can liberate business from any part of the country to deliver to a global market.

Silverspoon Films make movies: promos, adverts, conferences etc and have a range of offerings that would suit just about any business. I was stunned by the one minute corporate video for SME’s priced for less than £250 that Richard told me about. 

It was a great night with a style and focus that many other networks would do well to emulate.

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